Информация и рекомендации из официальных источников⠀
В условиях пандемии коронавируса важно не позволить страху победить здравый смысл и организовать свою жизнь таким образом, чтобы не оставить шансов вирусу не только во внешней среде, но и дома. Эта статья рассказывает, как защитить свое жилье от 2019-nCoV. Вирус передается воздушно-капельным и контактным путями.⠀
🛡 Как защитить свой дом?⠀
Но в загородном жилье сейчас нужны особые меры предосторожности. «Парламентская газета» со ссылкой на портал«Фэнхуанван»⠀
рассказывает о том, что рекомендуют делать китайские ученые в период пандемии для защиты своего дома. В основном эти рекомендации сводятся к частым проветриваниям и регулярным влажным уборкам.⠀
🚿 Если в дом должны прийти какие-то посторонние люди, перед их приходом нужно сделать уборку с хлорсодержащим раствором или любым дезинфицирующим средством на основе 75-процентного спирта. Уборку придется сделать и сразу после того, как визитеры уйдут, во всяком случае, обработать столы, стулья и дверные ручки.⠀
🚑 Доктор Олег Комаровский тоже не устает повторять о важности проветривания, чтобы обеспечить воздухообмен, и влажных уборок «все, что можно моем, моем и моем!».⠀
По его словам, для профилактики заражения очень хороши прогулки на свежем воздухе, и здесь владельцам загородных участков можно только позавидовать – мы можем вентилировать легкие даже в условиях самоизоляции, не выходя за калитку.⠀
🍖 Осторожнее с шашлыками!⠀
Во многих регионах России в этом году ранняя весна, и люди традиционно открывают сезон шашлыков. У ВОЗ есть конкретные рекомендации относительно приготовления мяса. Если это нормальное мясо, не от умершего животного, его можно есть, как и раньше. ⠀
Но при этом необходимо:⠀
🔸пользоваться разными разделочными досками для мяса и других продуктов⠀
🔸мыть руки после того, как они имели дело с мясом и готовы взяться за другие продукты⠀
🔸а главное – «подвергать продукты тщательной термической обработке».⠀
Настало время, когда мясо и другую еду лучше переготовить, чем недоготовить.⠀
Register summer houses without the participation of the owner?
Briefly: the State Duma is developing a draft new law, which provides for the registration of buildings on the sites of summer residents using drones. ⠀
If the bill is adopted, the owners of summer cottages with unregistered buildings will begin to receive notifications from the tax service with a request to pay real estate tax. To detect buildings that do not yet have cadastral numbers, it is planned to use drones. ⠀
📽 The survey will allow local authorities to find “problematic” objects, clarify information about the owner of the site and transfer it to the registration authorities. Based on these data, the procedure for establishing rights to such houses and other buildings will be launched. The owner can find out that his summer house at the registration stage in Rosreestr or already registered by receiving a letter from the appropriate authority. ⠀
💼 The actions of the authorities can be challenged in court. In case of silence of the owner from the new tax period, notifications of accrued tax will begin to come. It is very likely that the draft new law, which allows registering buildings at summer cottages without the owner’s participation, is associated with state plans to include all Russian properties in the real estate register until 2021. That is, using ⠀
this initiative, citizens want to hurry. The introduction of the bill is expected to happen this spring. ⠀
🏡 About country amnesty ⠀
Yuri Lavryakov, Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Moscow Region, reminds citizens of the extension of a summer residence amnesty until 03/01/2020. The official is convinced that the registration of objects at the sites is necessary not only for the authorities, but also for the summer residents themselves. According to him, only in the suburbs there are about half a million buildings that have not yet been included in the Rosreestr. After March 1, such objects can be recognized as self-building and petition for their demolition. ⠀
Advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete house
How to determine if aerated concrete is suitable as a wall material for your home? ⠀
Is aerated concrete house good or bad? This is the question most often asked builders by customers. The builders, in turn, respond in the way that suits them, but the truth does not come out of this. To answer the question, let's take a sober look at the strengths and weaknesses of the aerated concrete block and determine: for which houses this material is suitable. ⠀
😡 Because of what they scold the aerated concrete block ⠀
On the Internet, there are many articles and videos exposing aerated concrete. The main claims against the material are destruction from exposure to low temperatures and fragility, causing cracks in the walls. In some videos, you can see how aerated concrete collapses under the pressure of floor slabs. Is the material to blame, not the builder? First things first. ⠀
⛓ Aerated concrete - technological material and is a type of cellular concrete. This type of artificial stone is made using blowing agents, and it gains strength in an autoclave under the influence of high pressure and steam treatment. In simple terms, aerated concrete is a foamed hardened concrete, inside of which air pores are formed, giving the material lightness, and high heat-insulating qualities. ⠀
🔬 In this case we are talking about autoclaved aerated concrete, which is recommended for construction. The fact is that there is also a non-autoclave aerated concrete block, which can be made artisanally. It is such a block that causes many troubles, since the production technology is not fully respected in artisanal industries. Such a unit, unlike the factory one, is always far from the declared characteristics and has a broken geometry. ⠀
⚠ Like any technological material, aerated concrete is demanding to operate. When using this building material, you need to know the areas of its application and the factors leading to its destruction. ⠀
Eight Steps to the Finished House (Part 2)
5⃣ When to receive technical specifications? ⠀
With the exception of remote species plots with autonomous engineering systems, all other plots in partnerships, various cottage villages or on the lands of settlements, at least, are connected to power supply networks. In developed regions, it is also a centralized water supply with sewage, and even gas. Although the legislation provides for the shortest possible time, obtaining technical specifications for technological connection to existing engineering networks should be puzzled immediately after the acquisition of the site, in parallel with the design. So that by the time construction begins, you don’t have to negotiate with neighbors (which not everyone has and is not always adequate) or urgently seek funds for a generator. ⠀
6⃣ Is geology a must? ⠀
At first it’s better to find a designer, and already he will make up a task for geologists. Another option is statistical sounding, the data obtained by the designer for the calculations will be enough. ⠀
7⃣ What is included in the preparation for construction? ⠀
The proper organization of the process is as follows. ⠀
☑ Preparation of technical specifications (TOR) ⠀
☑ Design ⠀
☑ Preparation for construction ⠀
☑ Construction ⠀
8⃣ They say a building permit is no longer needed? ⠀
Moreover, within the framework of an extended summer cottage amnesty, not only permission is abolished, but also notification of the beginning and end of construction. True, we are talking only about residential or garden houses being erected on plots in garden associations, habitually referred to as country houses, although it is no longer country houses as forms. Simplification, according to which registration of rights and registration with the cadastral register is again carried out on the basis of the technical plan, is valid from August 4, 2019 to March 1, 2021. If you are sure that the construction is guaranteed to be completed during 2020, the maximum, in January 2021, you can not give notice of. ⠀