Расположение рабочих мест в офисе

Location of workplaces in the office

The great variety of modern forms of work organization requires adaptable furniture solutions based on the modular principle. Informal negotiations, teamwork, alternate use of jobs - all this needs new types of furniture. ⠀

Comparison of two options for the location of jobs. ⠀

🈁 T-shaped U-shaped ⠀

If earlier office work was to some extent limited by the capabilities of existing furniture, then in a modern, dynamic office, furniture should adapt to work processes. To create a healthier office environment, elements such as height-adjustable tables that provide a change of position during work, partitions with attachments, movable and stationary furniture elements that provide multifunctionality are used. ⠀

🛋 Arrangement of furniture. ⠀

As with office planning, the arrangement of furniture should balance the two main types of office activity - concentration and communication. The traditional arrangement of tables "face to face", or in the form of the letter T, is very convenient for communication, but has insufficient visual and sound isolation. In 1998, BENE proposed the arrangement of workspaces with the letter U (“back to back”), which is most suitable for concentrated work, and carried out a comparative analysis of these two ways of arrangement with the Frauenho-fer-Institute for Industrial Engineering. The results showed that no more than 50% of respondents find the T-shape convenient, and almost as many of them believe that the U-shape has significantly greater advantages. With a back-to-back arrangement between workstations, communication zones can be created using a conference table or low cabinets. ⠀

▶ The following posts are more about arranging furniture ⠀

Расположение мебели в офисе. Часть 2⠀

The location of the furniture in the office. Part 2⠀

Another factor determining the arrangement of furniture is the position of the table relative to the window ;. Firstly, it is of great importance when the main work is done using a computer monitor. In order to prevent glare on the monitor, its plane should be perpendicular to the surface of the window. Secondly, most people really value the proximity of their workplace to the window for two reasons: the emergence of a “safe flank” that no one can claim, and contact with the outside world. ⠀

👁 Psychologically, people prefer to keep the entire room in which they are in sight to quickly receive information about those entering the room. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that this can serve as an additional distraction. ⠀

Every modern workplace should have a zone designed for direct communication. These areas should be clearly expressed. Ideally, it should be possible to negotiate not only while sitting, but also standing. ⠀

🚫 The location of the workplace “facing the wall” often provokes a protest. However, this position can be very convenient with a functional (with the help of attachments) and a beautiful (with the help of an interesting finish) solution of the wall itself and with an additional view (L-shaped workplace). ⠀

Офисные перегородки

Frame and collapsible partitions

Frame and collapsible (modular) partitions. ⠀

A typical office frame partition consists of metal racks lined with plasterboard sheets on both sides. The space between the sheets can be filled in different ways to give the partition some properties. They are cheaper than modular ones and comply with Russian fire safety requirements. A collapsible, or modular, partition consists of light elements and can be disassembled and moved to another place without any damage to the structures and decoration of the premises. These partitions, as a rule, have their own lining, which does not require additional decoration, and needs only periodic cleaning, like all surfaces of the room. ⠀

Modular partitions are usually erected between a clean floor and a false ceiling. This means that if it is necessary to increase the sound insulation of the premises, additional measures should be taken, for example, the installation of a plasterboard partition in the ceiling space through which sound can easily spread. ⠀

🚧 One of the varieties of modular partitions are sliding, or transformable, partitions, which are designed to frequently change the layout of a room, such as meeting rooms or multi-purpose rooms. ⠀

⛓ There are many design solutions for sliding partitions. When choosing a particular partition, some of their features should be taken into account. In all cases, it is necessary to provide for the zones of module placement in the folded state. It can be just an extra width of the room or a special niche, even the ceiling space is sometimes used for this purpose. One type of partition requires a guide rail in the floor, which may be unacceptable from an aesthetic and functional point of view. There is also a solution when the partition is suspended from the upper rail, which helps maintain the continuity of the floor surface. However, such a solution is more expensive due to the appearance of complex junctions that provide the necessary level of sound insulation. ⠀



Office partitions

Partitions are vertical building envelopes that divide the interior of a building into rooms and communication areas, such as corridors. Partitions that bear the load from the roof or floor are called load-bearing, and those that stand freely - non-load-bearing. Partitions are the architect’s primary tool for creating a spatial office solution. They also have a tremendous impact on the functioning of the office space. ⠀

🏛 Supporting partitions. ⠀

The load-bearing partitions are constructed of bricks, blocks, or monolithic concrete using traditional methods. Their advantage is high fire safety and soundproofing ability. However, these are permanent partitions, which sometimes do not allow flexible use of space. This is especially felt when adapting an old building to an office. ⠀

🌓 That is why the principle of “shell and core” has spread in the construction of modern office buildings, the essence of which is to provide the lessee with space free from partitions between the outer wall and the inner core from the vertical communication shafts. This principle, however, imposes certain requirements on the interaction between the depth of the building, the location of vertical communications, the presence of an atrium, the nature of the external contour of the building and the step and size of the windows. Imbalance of these indicators leads to extremely ineffective, inconvenient to use office space. ⠀

In the following posts, we will talk about several types of existing office partitions and their functions. ⠀


Partition Functions

We propose to distinguish between corridor and inter-office partitions. They have different purposes, and, accordingly, a different design solution is possible. ⠀

👣 Corridor partition. ⠀

Corridor partitions separate rooms from the main communications in the building. To revitalize the space, measures such as “borrowed light” are sometimes used: glazing the upper part of the walls, using doors with glazing or glass side panels. Although these measures contribute to getting a small amount of natural light into the corridor, they do not achieve the main goal - filling the entire floor space with energy. This goal can only be achieved by using fully glazed partitions. ⠀

The importance of natural light for humans is that, unlike always the same artificial light, it is constantly changing, thereby stimulating various functions of the human body. More important is visual communication with the outside world. Most of us will prefer a window seat - whether on a plane, train or in the office. The problem of "walled up" corridors is not so much the lack of daylight, but the anonymity of space and the lack of information about the environment. ⠀

Transparent partitions have a big impact on the efficiency of the office, stimulating activity, cooperation and interaction, not to mention the design tasks that they allow to solve. ⠀

💼 Between the office partition. ⠀

This term refers to partitions separating adjacent office space. ⠀
As one of the main solutions, it is full of possibilities - a multifunctional wall. This is a system of modular partitions with holes and guides that allow you to install interchangeable elements in the right place: shelves, console for monitors, electrical outlets, etc. An electrical wiring may pass inside the partition. This solution provides the most efficient use of space, provides a person with the opportunity to create an individual atmosphere of the workplace, and, in combination with a mobile table, allows for a variety of room layouts.

Потолки в офисах

Office ceilings

Ceilings in offices and their features. ⠀

Since the ceilings in modern offices are quite low, a rough texture or an overly bright color can make an overwhelming impression; hence the popularity of the smooth white ceiling. However, it is very important for such a ceiling to remain exactly smooth - to be a flat surface without spots, bumps and accidental changes in height. The white ceiling also reflects light and gives integrity to the room. ⠀

🌖 Plastered slab. ⠀

The simplest ceiling is the plastered bottom surface of the floor slab. This solution is most often used in residential buildings. We can see this type of ceiling in offices converted from living quarters, or where the designer solves a certain artistic problem. However, one should not forget at the same time that only overhead equipment can be installed on such a ceiling, which entails the appearance of electrical wiring on the surface. This solution is also not flexible at all and does not solve the problem of noise suppression. ⠀

🕸 False ceiling. ⠀

The standard office ceiling is suspended. It can be defined as a ceiling attached to a frame suspended under the ceiling, resulting in an empty space between the two surfaces. This space is used for all necessary communications and installation of fixtures. ⠀

📋 The basic requirements for suspended ceilings are::

🔸 They should be easy to install, repair, maintain and clean. ⠀

🔸 They must provide access to the ceiling space for maintenance of the suspension system, utilities and built-in fixtures. ⠀

🔸 They must provide the necessary level of sound and thermal insulation. ⠀

🔸 They must provide the necessary level of sound absorption. ⠀

🔸 They must comply with fire regulations. ⠀

🔸 Preferably, they are based on a planning module. ⠀

There are several classification methods for suspended ceilings. They can be distinguished by functional characteristics, such as, for example, illuminated and acoustic ceilings, by materials, and also by design. About it in the next post.

Потолки: различия по конструкции

Ceilings: design differences

Ceilings: differences in construction. ⠀

By design, seamless, modular and decorative, or open, ceilings are distinguished. ⠀

👓 Seamless ceilings form a smooth surface that is indistinguishable from a normal ceiling. Basically, these ceilings are mounted from plasterboard sheets. This is a beautiful solution that allows you to implement such design moves as reflected light and backlight. However, with regard to the possible relocation of equipment, this solution is by no means flexible, and moreover, it requires the installation of hatches for access to the ceiling space. If the engineering communications project is not sufficiently coordinated with the architectural solution, these hatches may appear in the most unexpected places, which produces an undesirable effect. This type of ceiling is used in areas where flexible use of space is not required. ⠀

💠 Open ceilings consist of an open suspended frame to which the fixtures can be mounted at any height. This is usually a non-standard solution, unlike seamless and modular ceilings. In order to satisfy the acoustic requirements of the office space, a sufficient number of sound-absorbing elements must be provided in such a system. ⠀

❇ Modular ceilings are the most common type of suspended ceiling. They consist of a suspended grid frame to which modular elements are attached. These elements can be in the form of tiles, cassettes, panels, rails made of various materials. The lattice of the frame can be hidden or, conversely, highlighted. Various engineering equipment is decided on the basis of a single module. All elements of the system are interchangeable, which provides the greatest flexibility. The modular ceiling system is very technologically advanced for installation and operation. ⠀


Материалы для потолка

Materials for the ceiling

Materials for the ceiling. ⠀

False plasterboard ceiling allows you to effectively solve the interior of the room, but does not allow further alterations. ⠀

🔗 Gypsum, mineral fiber, fiberglass or metal are used to make modular suspended ceilings. ⠀

✴ Gypsum is a traditional material of suspended ceilings and is characterized by exceptional whiteness and high hygienic properties. ⠀

✴ Mineral fiber is a natural material. The main advantage of mineral fiber panels is their fire safety. They also have high vapor impermeability, good acoustic performance. ⠀

✴ Fiberglass is the equivalent of mineral. A feature of fiberglass panels is the ability to produce curved elements, which allows you to create embossed ceilings. ⠀

✴ Metal panels are made of steel or aluminum with a wide variety of finishes and / or perforations. They can be supplemented with mineral or fiberglass inserts to enhance their acoustic and fire properties. Metal panels are very beautiful, hygienic and durable. ⠀

✴ Metal cassette ceilings combine esthetic and functional qualities. ⠀

✴ Grilyato ceilings ⠀

Not so long ago, a new type of ceiling called grillato appeared on the Russian market. Grilyato - suspended ceiling in the form of a lattice. This is a modern ceiling design. False ceilings Grilyato open a new perspective in architecture of false ceilings. Due to its geometric structure and variety of color solutions, the grillato lattice suspended ceiling creates a variety of room design options. ⠀

The demand for Grillato cellular ceilings is growing and today there are no more modern and original suspended ceilings. ⠀

🔶 We make a reliable, beautiful ceiling @proff_project⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Напольные покрытия для офиса

Office flooring

Floor coverings for office. Part 1⠀

Of all the surfaces in any building, the floor undergoes the greatest wear. We walk on the floor, we put furniture and equipment on the floor, drop things on the floor and spill liquids. The quality of the flooring should be evaluated taking into account its use for a long time. ⠀

🖇 Floor coverings for the office can be divided into two types - hard and soft. Hard coatings include stone, parquet and linoleum. To soft - carpet and carpet tiles. Since noise control is a very important task for office premises, carpet coverings are most widely used. ⠀

🔶 Stone materials ⠀

🔸 marble office floors офиса

Despite the fact that stone materials provide architects and designers with ample opportunities to create interesting solutions, their field of application in offices is limited. They are found in rooms such as lobbies, reception areas, corridors and toilets. Although the stone does not allow moisture and is easy to clean, its surface requires special care, as it can be scratched and also reacts to various substances, such as salt. ⠀

🔸 Parquet ⠀

This type of coating is mainly used in residential buildings. Parquet is more durable than linoleum or carpet, it has high aesthetic, hygienic, heat and sound insulation properties. However, parquet is not recommended for office use for two reasons. ⠀

Firstly, the parquet sound absorption coefficient is insufficient for the office work areas. Secondly, although wood as a material is durable, the surface of the parquet must be periodically sanded and varnished. Otherwise, in particularly busy places, parquet will quickly lose its appeal. These works cannot be carried out without disrupting the normal functioning of the office. Therefore, parquet can be found either in offices converted from residential premises, or in particularly prestigious areas where it is necessary to impress, and at the same time, the load on the floor is small. ⠀


Boggi новый магазин

New Boggi Store

Our congratulations to our partners @boggi_style with the opening of a new store! ⠀⠀
Location: Pulkovo Outlet ⠀
⏱ It took about a month to implement ⠀⠀
🔶 We will do at the highest level in a short time! ⠀
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+7 (499) 519-0018⠀⠀⠀⠀
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