Энергосберегающий дом

Ordinary home or energy efficient?

Comparison History in Faces

The participants:
Alexey is the owner of a frame 2-storey energy-saving house (186 sq.m)
Dmitry is the owner of a house made without the use of energy-saving technologies - a timber-lined house, bricked. (152 sq.m)

💬 Alexey told us the story.

Once Dmitry went to Alexei and in a short dialogue it became clear the digital component of the monthly electricity charges.
Dmitry has a stone stove and since she can’t cope with heating, he put radiators under the windows. Its monthly expense is 8000 rubles.
⚠️ And now, attention: Alexey has not even 1,500 rubles, but 1406 for the same period!
⚠️ And this is January - the coldest month!

If you take, for example, February and March, Alexei’s consumption fell to 1200 rubles.
In November - 918 rubles. ⠀

How did our hero achieve such a result?

⠀- USP Foundation
- Warm water floor
- Proper wall insulation
- Heat storage system (1.7 cubic meters.)
- Competent orientation of the house to the cardinal points

🏰 Now imagine that you also have a stone house. Alexey compensated for heat loss (this is minus the skeleton). A building made of heat-ceramic reduces it to a maximum minimum.

> We also use a heat recovery system and a heat pump system.
> The need for their device determines the thermal calculation.

🔔 Want an energy-efficient home?

Our contacts:
📲 +7 919 777-98-94
(WhatsApp, Viber)

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