Стиль освещения магазина⠀

Store Lighting Style

Shop lighting style. ⠀
(pictured shop ⠀
Adidas) ⠀

In stores that demonstrate a high level of service and sales, a special approach to lighting. A well-designed lighting system with a single stylistic solution fulfills its functional purpose and at the same time serves as an element of corporate identity, a distinctive feature of interior design. ⠀

🛍 For shopping areas such as department stores, expensive supermarkets and company stores, the best option for lighting systems is busbar designs that provide not only the correct distribution of light in the room, but also the ability to vary light accents along with changes in the exposure of the product. At the same time, high-voltage busbars provide for an almost unlimited number of lamps. For small shops, the optimal solution is busbar systems combined with local counter lighting. ⠀
⠀ ⠀ 💎 As for the light itself, halogen lamps allow you to vary the spectrum from warm to cold. In general, all light schemes are selected taking into account the specifics of the store, for example, jewelry looks more effective in cold light (with a color temperature of 6000 K), which can be arranged using halogen or metal halide lamps with various reflectors. However, such lighting is contraindicated in the fitting room of a clothing store - otherwise the face of the buyer will acquire an original bluish tint, warmer tones are appropriate here. ⠀

💡 Since we are talking about particulars, we cannot but mention that for different types of stores, with the general concept of using halogen light, the capabilities of each specific design of the lighting system can be used. For jewelry stores, systems with pendant lights are convenient, which include adjusting the height of the lamp for local illumination so that the buyer can better see the product. These systems are also suitable for clothing stores, where the exposure is constantly changing and the placement of light-semantic accents is necessary. ⠀

To be continued:) ⠀

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