Дизайн магазина

Score. Design features

Buyers should shop, not admire the original design of the store. ⠀
✅ The main thing in the design of the store: to prevent the dominance of interior decoration over the presented product range. In other words, shoppers should shop, not admire the store’s original design. Your point of sale should be simple and minimalistic. An exception is only a children's clothing store, its specificity prevails in it. ⠀
✅ Zoning - the main secrets. ⠀
Specialists distinguish between two types of zones in stores - cold and hot. ⠀

🔥 Hot zone: places opposite the entrance and the center of the room. The optimal space for the sale of popular products, because they are in maximum visual accessibility. ⠀
❄ Cold zone: Corners, space near the entrance, shelves against the walls. Used under: ⠀
- products of point demand ⠀
- advertising ⠀
- exhibition of mannequins ⠀
- information stands ⠀
- cash angles ⠀
- discount racks ⠀
🌄 Background selection ⠀
The color palette of the boutique should be in harmony with the style of the product. If this is a department of business clothes, then it is ideal to do in gray tones. In the area of everyday dresses, pink-blue symbiosis diluted with brown colors looks great. But in the sports department, you can use more juicy decor options. It is important to maintain balance and not make the design too catchy. Buyers ’attention should not be scattered. ⠀
In the next post, we will talk about a few more important elements of the store’s designer decoration. ⠀
🛎 Well, if you need a consultation, which design is right for your area, then call! ⠀

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