О хрупкости газобетона

On the fragility of aerated concrete

The aerated concrete block is a large-format building material, and it needs a stable foundation that does not exceed the relative difference in sediment of more than 0.002. That is, no more than 2 mm per 1 meter of the foundation. Such deformation is permissible and will not cause cracks in unreinforced masonry. ⠀

🕋 It is recommended to build a house of gas blocks on a monolithic strip foundation or slab. It is also allowed to build on a prefabricated foundation of FBS, but with the obligatory presence of a monolithic strapping belt on top. In simple words - you need to ensure the immobility of the foundation. ⠀

Given the light weight of the gas block, it is possible to build a house from this material on shallow foundation: tape or slab. Here, one peculiarity should be taken into account - the influence of heaving soils on the foundation should not be allowed.

To ensure the stillness of a shallow foundation, a pillow of non-porous material should be made under its base: ⠀

🔸 coarse sand ⠀
🔸 crushed stone ⠀
🔸 gravel and sand mixture ⠀

If the soil on the site is saturated with groundwater, then you need to make a drainage that will divert water from the pillow. ⠀

It should be understood that the dry pillow is not exposed to frost heaving. And in the presence of moisture in the cushion and freezing of the soil, the foundation will move and thereby destroy the aerated concrete wall. ⠀

The factory gas unit is divided into three types: ⠀

🔶 structural ⠀
🔶 structural and heat-insulating ⠀
🔶 heat insulating ⠀

Each species has its own bearing capacity and density. If, without understanding the issue, put a heavy ceiling on the insulating gas block, then the wall will begin to collapse. ⠀

⚠ For the above reasons, aerated concrete is unreasonably criticized. ⠀


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