Правильный выбор биозащиты

Правильный выбор противопожарной биозащиты

Почему биозащита от огня является наилучшей альтернативой?

Трудности, возникающие при использовании древесины в качестве строительного материала: несмотря на то, что это достаточно качественный материал, который имеет много достоинств, у него имеется так же и недостаток в виде быстрого загорания и поражения плесенью, грибками и различными насекомыми.

Для успешного производства строительного материала проводится огнебиозащита, а именно обработка предмета специальными составами. Огнебиозащита может предотвратить пожар и биопоражение стропильной системы.

Минусы стандартной биозащиты:

— временная защита- в течение 3-х лет все химические вещества успевают выветриться и тогда дерево остается беззащитным.

— состав веществ не всегда отвечает требованиям экологической безопасности и может представлять определенную опасность, являясь токсичным.

— сущестсвует риск приобретения подделки или вероятность недостаточно качественного состава.

— обработка огнебиозащитными составами влажного дерева не эффективна и все приложенные усилия будут напрасными.

Альтернативное решение- использование огнебиозащиты огнем.

При изучении древесины и ее свойств, было обнаружено, что при срезе можно обнаружить небольшие ворсинки, своеобразные мягкие волокна, расщепленные частичками. Было установлено, что именно там и собираются различные микробы, насекомые и грибки. Именно эти части и загораются огенем первыми при пожаре. При выжигании таких участков дерева снижается вероятность биопоражения, а возможность возгорания значительно уменьшается, также уже существующие очаги плесени просто сгорают.

Данная защита имеет ряд плюсов:

— невысокая цена работ

— возможность проведения обработки раз и навсегда

— обработка согласно мерам экологической безопасности

— возможность использования любой древесины: влажной и сухой

— необязательное наличие какого-либо опыта ии специальных навыков

Процесс проведения биозащиты огнем:

Для начала производится обработка пламенем из газовой горелки доски до тех пор, пока вся поверхность полностью не обуглится. Затем с помощью УШМ и корщетки необходимо сделать броширование всей поверхности, которая была оббоженна для того, чтобы не осталось сгоревших волокон. В конце концов, остается только структура древесины, которая смотрится намного красивее и необычнее. Такой метод дает возможность применять технологию не только для защиты стропильной системы, но также и для обработки различных материалов для террас, интерьеров, навесов и так далее. Стоимость данной биозащиты нижу, чем обрабатывание древесины различными химическими составами. В качестве примера можно привести то, что на кровлю площади около 260 кубических метров понадобится около 450 литров жидкого состава, стоимость которой может составлять практически 20000 рублей. Биозащита огнем, в свою очередь, требует не таких больших затрат: необходимо около 5-6 баллонов с газом, цена каждого из них составляет около 700-750 рублей. Выбор в пользу защиты огнем довольно очевиден, если учитывать также и то, что такой метод защиты наиболее эффективен и долговечен.

Современное кухонное оборудование

Modern kitchen equipment

We continue our review: ⠀

👽 Salamander ⠀

This is a traditional equipment (a type of grill), which should be present in a modern kitchen. In salamanders, heating elements are located above the products, so they are especially convenient to use to bring the product to a ready to serve: for crusting or warming up already prepared dishes. Gas and electric models give the same results. It is the perfect machine for a la carte kitchens and prefab kitchens. ⠀

❄ Product quick cooler ⠀

This unit is a refrigerator that uses forced ventilation to ensure quick cooling. It provides a freezing temperature of -18 ° C and is equipped with a probe with a display that allows you to measure the temperature inside the product. It is used to quickly cool cooked foods, as well as pre-cooked dishes and pastries, so that they can then be stored at low temperatures. For example, in the United States of America already from the beginning of the 1980s, and in Italy - from the beginning of the 1990s, it was impossible to obtain a license to open a restaurant without this equipment. ⠀

💨 Combi ovens / combi steamers ⠀

Steam convection ovens operate in various modes. With their help, you can cook food for a couple, fry, boil, as well as heat the finished dishes. Their control is carried out in two ways: electromechanical and electronic (computer). Steam convection ovens operate in various temperature conditions - from 50 to 300 ° С - with a variable humidity coefficient depending on the method of cooking. ⠀

✨ Vacuum equipment ⠀

This equipment can be used both for storing food and for preparing it. This is a revolutionary technique that has changed the habits of cooks. Vacuum equipment opens up great opportunities for a variety of menus, provides high quality dishes. The use of vacuum technology is one of the main opportunities to improve the level of restaurant service in Russia. ⠀

Передовое кухонное оборудование

Advanced Kitchen Equipment

What kitchen equipment is most suitable for processing “advanced” products? ⠀

♨ Induction cookers ⠀

Induction processing of food is based not on the transfer of energy from a heat source, but on the creation of an induced current by an alternating magnetic field in a metal bowl in which food is cooked. Energy is transferred directly to the place where the dishes come in contact with a glass-ceramic stove. The rest of the surface of the plate remains cold. Induction cookers are equipped with an electronic temperature control device (accurate to 1 ° C), which can change almost instantly. ⠀

💢 microwave ⠀

Despite the fact that microwave ovens appeared in the 1940s, they can still be considered innovative equipment. There are models of different sizes (with a capacity of up to 35 liters). In the “tunnel” models controlled by a microprocessor with an internal probe, the power supply is cut off as soon as the cooking process is completed. All microwave ovens must be leakproof, protected against electromagnetic radiation. A microwave oven can work like an ordinary electric oven, but it is usually used to restore pre-cooked meals and prepare meals from frozen or vacuum-processed foods. Externally, dishes cooked in a microwave oven are similar to dishes that have been steamed, so the microwave oven is more suitable for food that does not require frying. ⠀

⭕ Electronic pasta machine ⠀

This device is very easy to use and guarantees excellent results. It is necessary for restaurants with Italian cuisine and establishments that offer a variety of pasta side dishes. The central cooking container is divided into several sections with folding baskets in which you can set different cooking modes for different types of pasta. Just turn on the timer - and you can engage in other kitchen operations. To maintain such equipment does not require high professional training of personnel. ⠀

Continued in the next. post! ⠀

The second vapor barrier error

The second mistake is that the vapor barrier was laid on both sides of the insulation and the wooden floor ⠀

How to vaporize a wooden floor in a wooden and frame house? Immediately, we are talking about the overlap between two residential and constantly heated floors. ⠀

🗣 On some sites they write that the first layer is laid between the finishing ceiling of the first floor and the draft floor of the second. On others, that on the rough floor and on it immediately insulation. It turns out the vapor barrier will be on both sides? ⠀

You can’t do this! ⠀
💭 To answer these questions, we reason logically. ⠀

In frame walls and ceilings, vapor barrier is installed where there is a temperature difference. Those. the room where plus is insulated from the street where it is cold. ⠀
🖇 In the interfloor overlap, between two heated floors, there is no sharp temperature difference. Therefore, water vapor entering the insulation does not condense. ⠀
Hence: mineral wool insulation laid in a wooden floor between the first and second heated floors is rather needed not for thermal insulation of the structure, but for soundproofing the floor. ⠀
That is, in fact, you can do without films, but the living room must be protected from possible particles of insulation in the air. ⠀
But, do not forget that in the house, beside the residents, there are constant sources of moisture and water vapor - a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. ⠀
💦 Water vapor, due to the pressure difference, will tend to get from a warm room to a cold zone - through walls to the street, or from bottom to top, to a cold attic through ceilings. Or in the under-roof space, when it comes to the insulated attic. ⠀
We offer such a "pie": ⠀

🔸Clean and draft ground floor ceiling finish ⠀
🔸Vapor barrier ⠀
🔸 Heater ⠀
🔸 Vapor-permeable diffusion membrane ⠀
🔸 Black and fine finishing of the floor of the second floor ⠀

In addition to the classic work in the “pie” of overlapping, the films will not let the insulation dust. ⠀
With this arrangement, water vapor will freely come out of the ceiling and the structure will “breathe.” ⠀

⚠ Important! Do not lay vapor barrier on both sides of the insulated wooden flooring. ⠀

The rules for perfect water treatment

How to choose a filter for washing, depending on the quality of the water

We all have long known that drinking water from a tap or from a well is a risky undertaking. And do not even drink, just using such water for technical needs can be dangerous - it can disable a gas boiler, plumbing, shower.

In suburban life, high-quality water treatment is crucial, but there are no universal solutions: the filter must be selected depending on the composition and quality of the water

 Why water analysis is needed

Residents of the countryside, as a rule, take water for life from a well or well. And if the water from different surface sources is more or less similar, then the water from two different wells is likely to be radically different. Moreover: in the water from the well may contain substances that in principle are absent in surface sources. Therefore, the approach to cleaning it should be more serious, but first you need to find out what kind of water you have to deal with.

⚠ The first thing you need to pay attention to is the total salinity. It can be either very low or sky-high. The norm for drinking water is 250-400 mg / l, MPC - 1000 mg / l. In the well, this value can be exceeded at times. Three other parameters that need attention: hardness, iron and manganese content. When designing water treatment from a well, it is also necessary to measure the nitrate content; exceeding the MPC for nitrates is a common problem. There may also be problems with excess fluoride. In our work, we even encountered wells with arsenic, radon, nickel, and other non-specific contaminants.

⚠ It is impossible to evaluate the composition of water visually and using the method “draw water into a two-liter plastic bottle, shake and smell” - an analysis must be done before installing the filter.

In the next post the most interesting!

Уход за кондиционером⠀

Air conditioning care ⠀

". . . it’s better to prevent a breakdown problem than to solve it later ”⠀

💫 When purchasing an air conditioner, you must understand that this technique is very delicate and requires a careful attitude. High-quality air conditioning on average is designed for a service life of seven to twelve years, but this is taking into account the fact that owners will observe simple rules for its operation. Unfortunately, not everyone undertakes to read the instructions, and they are frankly surprised when the air conditioner fails after two years of operation. ⠀

⚙ There are several reasons why an air conditioner may not work. First of all, it is the pollution of the filters of the indoor unit. These filters are located under the front panel through which air passes. Filters are a fine mesh and are designed to protect the radiator of the indoor unit and the inhabitants of the room from dust in the air. When the filters become very dirty, the radiator airflow decreases, and the air in the room begins to cool worse. Freezing of copper pipelines may begin, which is why when the air conditioner is turned off, the ice melts and turns into water. ⠀

💧 Another reason for the breakdown of the air conditioner may be the leak of freon. This process is the norm and averages 6-8% per year, regardless of the quality of installation. When the freon leak reaches a level below the permissible level, then overheating and jamming of the compressor is possible. In order to detect the fact of a leak, it is enough to pay attention to the places where the copper pipes are connected - frost or ice forms there. Lack of cooling of the air in the room can also indicate a leak of freon. ⠀

⛓ Basic care rules. ⠀

First of all, it is necessary to clean the filters from dust every two weeks, washing them in warm water. About once a year, you need to call specialists to carry out prophylaxis and refuel the air conditioner with freon, as well as to clean the indoor and outdoor units. And finally, do not turn on the air conditioner at temperatures below zero, if it is not equipped to work in the winter. All this will help extend the life of your air conditioner. ⠀

Прокладываем трубы

We lay pipes on the site

How to lay pipes ⠀

It is better to bury a whole pipe into the ground without fitting connections. ⠀

🗣 - Threaded fittings with collets are designed to be installed in a place accessible for visual inspection. ⠀

Collet connections must be inspected periodically for leaks and tightened if necessary. ⠀

⚠ Therefore, when burying fitting connections underground, the maintainability of the entire system drops sharply. ⠀

If you still need to make the entire pipeline underground: ⠀

🗣 - Use HDPE fittings for butt welding for “underground” connection. The process of joining HDPE is similar to soldering polypropylene pipes. It turns out a monolithic soldered connection without thread. ⠀

Only pipes and fittings of the same type can be welded into one pipeline, for this a soldering iron for soldering PP-RC is used. ⠀

⛓ The technology of such welding is as follows: ⠀

1. The pipe is cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, all elements are degreased with isopropyl or isobutyl alcohol (used in non-freezing). ⠀

2. The device is turned on, the temperature switch is set to a predetermined temperature of 200-260 ° C. The main thing is not to overheat the thin-walled pipe, because the melting point of HDPE is lower than that of PP. A twin nozzle is mounted on the welding mirror. ⠀

3. At the same time, push the fitting onto the heated nozzle, and slide the pipe into the sleeve nozzle. ⠀

4. At the end of heating, the parts are removed from the nozzles, connected and fixed. The pipe is fixed in the fitting for 10 to 50 seconds. This is necessary so that due to the increased pressure in the weld, due to thermal expansion, it is not pushed out of the fitting. During this operation, do not move the fitting and pipe mutually. ⠀

Details cool. Only after complete cooling, the connection is mounted in place and a load is applied to it. ⠀

🗣 - When connecting the three collet joints, I missed the rubber bands with silicone sealant and buried. It's been 10 years, nothing flows. ⠀

⚠ Do not bury sewer and water pipes in one trench! Each pipeline needs an individual trench.

Монтируем трубные соединения

We mount pipe connections

How to mount connections ⠀

It’s not enough to choose a quality product, ⠀
it is necessary to lay the pipeline correctly and mount reliable connections. Most often, water PND connections ⠀
make on collet fittings. ⠀

🔰 Since there are no metal parts in the flow part of compression fittings, this increases the corrosion resistance of the piping system made of this material. ⠀

Mounting ⠀
On collet fittings, some key features must be considered. ⠀

🗣 - Assembled the system. Despite the use of fum tape and a decent tightening, some HDPE fittings are leaking. ⠀

When mounting a collet fitting, do not use flax, tow or fum tape “for extra reliability”. ⠀

🗣 - Collet fittings are simply tightened by hand and that’s it. ⠀

The longer the fitting, the more turns must be made to clamp it. Pipes for water supply are inserted into the fitting until they stop, and not until the rubber band. ⠀

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that if you lay the PND pipeline on the ground, then nothing will happen to it, but this is not so. ⠀

🗣 - PND products are unstable to sunlight. According to GOST, they are allowed to be stored under the sun for a maximum of two months. And this is in ideal conditions when the manufacturer fully complies with the technology and uses pipe polyethylene. ⠀

Therefore, the pipeline from HDPE is best buried in the ground. And to do it better to a depth below freezing, this will allow the fittings not to freeze. ⠀

A high-quality modern HDPE pipe withstands a large number of freezing and thawing cycles without destruction, but for fittings, even the most expensive, any freezing is fatal. ⠀

⚙ The installation process itself is as follows: ⠀

1. Dig a narrow trench 2 meters deep ⠀

2. Stones are removed from the trench, otherwise they can push through the walls of the product ⠀

3. Lay the pipe (not tight, this is a general rule!) And sprinkle it with sand ⠀

4. If necessary, the water supply is additionally insulated ⠀

The trench is completely buried ⠀

Правильная ПНД труба

Correct HDPE pipe

In continuation of the previous post about HDPE pipes. ⠀

On the HDPE pipe should also be indicated: ⠀

- Diameter ⠀
- wall thickness ⠀
- Manufacturer ⠀
- Strength indicator of material - is marked as follows: PE100 or PE80. ⠀

Polyethylene PE100 has a higher density, which means strength (can withstand higher pressure) than polyethylene PE80. ⠀

🗣 - We advise you to choose products on which GOST is applied, there is a manufacturer’s marking and a footage is indicated. They are suitable for running water. ⠀

🗣 - In accordance with GOST 18599-2001, according to which pipes for water supply are made, the presence or absence of blue stripes on the HDPE pipe does not yet indicate whether it is intended for drinking water or not. ⠀

Some unscrupulous manufacturers may apply blue stripes to low-quality or HDPE pipes. Therefore, first of all, you need to look at what is written on the product itself! ⠀

⚠ The water pipe in accordance with GOST 18599-2001 is made only of low-pressure polyethylene without adding secondary raw materials. ⠀

You also need to pay attention to the price - compare the price tag of several manufacturers. Prices are much lower than the maximum and even average market prices enough to alert, because the manufacturer will not sell at a loss. The price of a quality product should be decent. ⠀

Труба для воды

Pipe for water in the house: choose ⠀

For the autonomous water supply system in the house to work “for five,” it needs high-quality components, including a pipe for the water supply. ⠀

HDPE - the most popular material for entering cold water into the house (from a well, etc.) ⠀

🗣– Correctly say ⠀
PE (polyethylene), not ⠀
HDPE, of course, provided that the pipes are made in accordance with GOST 18599-2001 "Pressure pipes made of polyethylene." ⠀

HDPE is the raw material (low pressure polyethylene) from which PE products are made. ⠀

However, we will adhere to the "popular" name. ⠀

💦 It is the quality of the feedstock that largely determines the life of the pipeline. And if in some cases the light water main from HDPE has been used for decades, then in other cases even a correctly installed system starts to flow in 1-1.5 years. ⠀

❗ The fact is that many companies use plastic waste in the production of HDPE products - the so-called “secondary”. Moreover, everything is used, even used disposable syringes. The strength and reliability of such products does not stand up to criticism. And cold water from them has a sharp unpleasant chemical smell, which does not disappear even with time. ⠀

🗣– The easiest way to choose a high-quality HDPE pipe designed to supply drinking water in order to lay a water pipe is to pay attention to its appearance. ⠀

⚠ The defective product is black or dark gray. There is no alphanumeric marking on it. Alien inclusions or stripes are noticeable in the material. If you smell the product, you can feel an unpleasant chemical smell. Its walls are of different thicknesses (it can be seen when viewed from the end). ⠀

This design can only be used to supply process water. ⠀

✅ HDPE design designed for drinking water - black with blue stripes or completely blue. It is made in a uniform color, the material itself is smooth, without splashes and stripes. The wall thickness corresponds to GOST. A small marking is required (stamped or with a printer for marking) - “Drinking pipe GOST 18599-2001”. ⠀

⏯ To be continued. ⠀