Цвет в дизайне офиса

Color in office design

Color in the design of a modern office ⠀

It is incredibly important in such specific purpose rooms as offices. A person perceives each shade differently and involuntarily reacts to what he sees. Much has already been said about the psychology of color. There are spectra of irritating, exciting or relaxing effects, therefore, in order to increase staff performance and create a calm atmosphere that is not conducive to conflicts, you should choose the right color design for the office interior. Here a lot of subtleties and nuances appear. ⠀

📕 Pastel should become the background color in the design of the office. These tones are light and neutral. The introduction of colorful accents will help to avoid dullness in the setting. But you need to add brightness in a very metered way, so as not to overload the space and instead of concentration do not cause apathy and inattention in people. ⠀

📘 The second aspect that is certainly worth attention is the location of windows in the layout of the office space. If they look north, then it will be nice to “warm” the room and compensate for the lack of solar lighting in the office, having designed it in grassy, purple, peach, cream and other warm colors. In the sunlit space opposite, representatives of the "cold" spectra will be popular. In favor are varieties of blue, especially azure and amethyst. ⠀

📗 The size of the office space will also influence the choice of the background solution. Small spaces will have to be visually expanded. The blue color and shades of light green will wonderfully cope with this task. In spacious rooms, the task is exactly the opposite. The interior design of the office must be filled with comfort, so you will have to work with terracotta paints and representatives of the brown palette. Shades of light greens will visually increase the space. Office design should be performed rhythmically, so you can use the method of increasing the color intensity of the background. Depth shades are added as the distance from the entrance. This subconsciously helps customers navigate in space and move in the right direction.

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