Сильные и слабые стороны газобетона

Strengths and weaknesses of aerated concrete

The gas block has a number of advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when choosing a wall material. ⠀

💎 Benefits ⠀

✅ Lightness. This parameter allows saving on the foundation, since the mass of the aerated concrete house will be significantly lower than the weight of a similar brick building. ⠀

✅ High thermal insulation. The gas block house holds heat well, which saves on heating in the winter and cooling in the summer. Compared to solid brick, aerated concrete keeps heat 4 times better! ⠀
✅ Geometry and ease of handling. The gas block has a large size compared to brick, which allows you to quickly build walls. Accurate geometry provides savings on mortar, and the easy-to-process stone structure speeds up the construction process. And also the exact geometry reduces the amount of mortar in the joint, which reduces the likelihood of cold air entering the room. ⠀

✅ Fire resistance. Gas blocks do not burn, do not emit toxic substances when heated, and are able to withstand the effects of an open flame for two hours, without losing their carrying capabilities.

✅ Durability. The gas block is not susceptible to decay, the effects of fungus, is not food and housing for rodents and insects. With proper operation, a house made of aerated concrete will last more than 60 years. ⠀

🚬 Disadvantages ⠀

❎ Low bending strength. This quality is a drawback and makes the gas block fragile and unstable to uneven loads. ⠀
❎ Moisture absorption. Unprotected aerated concrete absorbs up to 20% moisture from its own weight, which reduces its thermal insulation properties, and in frost it can lead to destruction of the outer layer. For this reason, the facade of the house is recommended to be protected from precipitation. When insulating the facade, the vapor barrier properties of the exterior finish should be taken into account and condensation should not be allowed to form in the unit. ⠀

❎ Low breaking resistance. The gas block cannot be used for rooms where valuables are stored (ticket office, weapons room, remote garage). ⠀


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