Мостики холода

What are cold bridges?

A cold bridge or a temperature bridge is a section of the building envelope (end of a concrete element, wall joints, etc.) that has a reduced thermal resistance. ⠀

💢 This can be a joint between structural parts or a structural element consisting of materials with higher thermal conductivity. Such areas are cooled more strongly than other parts of the fence, so they are also called “cold bridges.” ⠀ ⠀
💦 The presence of temperature bridges significantly reduces the effectiveness of thermal protection of the building. Temperature bridges cause condensation ⠀
❓ What does all this mean? ⠀
And then, dear friends, that an ideal house is a house in which there are no seams or they are very well executed. For example, the insulation is put into a run, and the connection material of the insulation with the wall is made not of metal, but of polymeric fiberglass. ⠀
⠀📍 Also, the joints of the foundation and walls are considered to be zones of the emergence of cold bridges. And also the joints of the roof. ⠀
📍 Doors, windows, loggias and balconies are also the brightest examples of cold bridges. ⠀
The effects of high heat transfer ⠀
💧If the room loses enough heat, condensation will form on the inner surface of the walls. As you know, dust is most attracted to such a place, so the bridge will be clearly visible even with the naked eye. Following the dust on the wall, mold and fungal microorganisms begin to develop rapidly. It is almost impossible to get rid of it, because even after painting or cosmetic repairs on the renewed surface, mold quickly emerges and worsens the microclimate of the house. ⠀
Only the complete elimination of the cold bridge will help prevent its occurrence. About how to do this - in the following posts! ⠀
🔔 Want the lack of cold bridges now? ⠀

Мосты холода

Victory over the Cold Bridges

Victory over the Cold Bridges ⠀

1⃣ Connection of the wall with the window and the door ⠀
They are always one of the weaknesses through which heat leaves. The thermal parameters of windows and doors are much worse than those of walls. Correct installation and sealing of the gap between windows and walls is very important. After all, you need to not only choose the right glass and frame, but also install them professionally. ⠀

2⃣ Connection of the foundation wall to the floor ⠀
The floor of the first floor in energy-efficient buildings should always be insulated, regardless of whether it is heated or not. The thermal insulation of the walls of the foundation should be connected with the insulation of the walls in a continuous layer. And the thermal insulation of the floor should be combined with the thermal insulation of the bearing wall, so its energy efficiency is higher than that of the foundation wall. ⠀
In this case, the horizontal thermal insulation will be continuous, and not even the smallest cold bridge will appear, which usually appears at the junction of the foundation walls and the ground floor..

3⃣ Connection of the external wall to the roof plane ⠀
We have already devoted a whole post to this topic. The main thing is to maintain the continuity of thermal insulation. ⠀

4⃣ Balcony plates and other constructions ⠀
Many find these architectural elements attractive and functional. And there wouldn’t be anything bad if the most popular solution was not the reinforced concrete slab on which these structures are based. Because it is in this place that a "cold bridge" of great length arises. The harm caused to them is often compared with the effect of an insulated outer wall 4-6 m long (often half the width of the house) ⠀
The solution is: this element should be completely separated from the house. The balcony slab should rest on independent pillars. And then you can use any material. ⠀

To be continued. ⠀

🔔 Want the lack of cold motions now? ⠀⠀