Напольные покрытия для офиса

Office flooring

Floor coverings for office. Part 1⠀

Of all the surfaces in any building, the floor undergoes the greatest wear. We walk on the floor, we put furniture and equipment on the floor, drop things on the floor and spill liquids. The quality of the flooring should be evaluated taking into account its use for a long time. ⠀

🖇 Floor coverings for the office can be divided into two types - hard and soft. Hard coatings include stone, parquet and linoleum. To soft - carpet and carpet tiles. Since noise control is a very important task for office premises, carpet coverings are most widely used. ⠀

🔶 Stone materials ⠀

🔸 marble office floors офиса

Despite the fact that stone materials provide architects and designers with ample opportunities to create interesting solutions, their field of application in offices is limited. They are found in rooms such as lobbies, reception areas, corridors and toilets. Although the stone does not allow moisture and is easy to clean, its surface requires special care, as it can be scratched and also reacts to various substances, such as salt. ⠀

🔸 Parquet ⠀

This type of coating is mainly used in residential buildings. Parquet is more durable than linoleum or carpet, it has high aesthetic, hygienic, heat and sound insulation properties. However, parquet is not recommended for office use for two reasons. ⠀

Firstly, the parquet sound absorption coefficient is insufficient for the office work areas. Secondly, although wood as a material is durable, the surface of the parquet must be periodically sanded and varnished. Otherwise, in particularly busy places, parquet will quickly lose its appeal. These works cannot be carried out without disrupting the normal functioning of the office. Therefore, parquet can be found either in offices converted from residential premises, or in particularly prestigious areas where it is necessary to impress, and at the same time, the load on the floor is small. ⠀


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