Септик vs аэрационная труба

Septic vs aeration plant

In the conditions of a suburban village: ⠀
🔸 The cesspool will not allow neighbors to do ⠀
🔸 It is unrealistic to export absolutely all liquid effluents ⠀
🔸 Therefore, two options remain - septic tank and aeration unit ⠀

🕋 Septic tank - is intended for the accumulation, settling and partial treatment of domestic wastewater in a private sewer system. It is a tank with two or more overflow chambers or several series-connected single-chamber tanks. ⠀

⛓ Collection and sedimentation for cleaning of mechanical impurities is carried out in sealed chambers, partially treated effluents enter the filtration wells (tank without bottom, with backfill) or into the fields (pipes) of soil filtration. The discharge of settled effluents to the surface, even into ditches and ditches, not to mention the relief, is strictly prohibited. Septic tanks are non-volatile and can be either factory-made (plastic multi-chamber installations) or home-made. ⠀

The septic tank is relevant for homes with year-round use, as well as for cottages that are visited on weekends or in warm seasons; volley discharge is not critical for it. ⠀

ЭAeration plant - also designed for collecting, settling and cleaning domestic wastewater in the sewer systems of private houses. But unlike a septic tank, sewage treatment is not due to sedimentation and natural biological processes, but thanks to aerobic bacteria. In addition, aeration plants have a very high degree of purification and discharge into drainage ditches is permissible, which is convenient for small areas where it is problematic to organize a filtration field. However. ⠀

⚡ AC is volatile. ⠀

During a seasonal visit or at the "weekend cottage" the installation may fail, because due to the uneven flow of sewage, especially in winter, activated sludge "will die and it will be carried out." ⠀

💦 Not always able to withstand volley discharge. ⠀

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