Нормативные расстояния

Standards for the proper placement of septic tanks and AC ⠀

Standard distances for proper placement of septic tanks and AC ⠀

Based on the latest revisions, the septic tank should be positioned so that: ⠀
▪ The distance to the house was at least five meters ⠀
▪ At least twenty meters from the well / well, without contact of the filtration field and the aquifer ⠀
▪ It was from fifty to eighty meters to the well / well if soils with high permeability and at a shorter distance there was a danger of communication of drains and water carrier ⠀
▪ The filtration field should be one meter higher than the UGV ⠀
▪ To the border of the site was from four meters ⠀
▪ To the side of the road was from five meters ⠀
▪ Before the flowing reservoir (stream, river) was from ten meters ⠀
▪ There was thirty meters to a standing reservoir ⠀
▪ Before the underground gas pipeline was from five meters ⠀

As for aeration installations, they should be located at a distance of fifteen meters from the house, including the neighboring one. Although manufacturers claim the degree of wastewater treatment up to 98%, this is far from always true, which, coupled with dumping on the terrain, gives the recommended protection zone. ⠀

💭 Conclusion ⠀

When choosing the type of treatment facilities, it is necessary to take into account not only their technical characteristics and effectiveness, but also existing distribution standards. Slightly reduce the distance when the site is small, it is only possible on stable soils, if there is no threat of runoff entering the water intake or the overhead water. Recently, cases of fines for environmental pollution by owners of private treatment facilities have become more frequent. It is better to immediately choose the best option, taking into account the limitations, than to hope that it will carry. Even if it blows and is not fined, it’s not pleasant to pollute its own land. ⠀

@energo_doma : Install the septic tank or AU correctly! ⠀

Септик vs аэрационная труба

Septic vs aeration plant

In the conditions of a suburban village: ⠀
🔸 The cesspool will not allow neighbors to do ⠀
🔸 It is unrealistic to export absolutely all liquid effluents ⠀
🔸 Therefore, two options remain - septic tank and aeration unit ⠀

🕋 Septic tank - is intended for the accumulation, settling and partial treatment of domestic wastewater in a private sewer system. It is a tank with two or more overflow chambers or several series-connected single-chamber tanks. ⠀

⛓ Collection and sedimentation for cleaning of mechanical impurities is carried out in sealed chambers, partially treated effluents enter the filtration wells (tank without bottom, with backfill) or into the fields (pipes) of soil filtration. The discharge of settled effluents to the surface, even into ditches and ditches, not to mention the relief, is strictly prohibited. Septic tanks are non-volatile and can be either factory-made (plastic multi-chamber installations) or home-made. ⠀

The septic tank is relevant for homes with year-round use, as well as for cottages that are visited on weekends or in warm seasons; volley discharge is not critical for it. ⠀

ЭAeration plant - also designed for collecting, settling and cleaning domestic wastewater in the sewer systems of private houses. But unlike a septic tank, sewage treatment is not due to sedimentation and natural biological processes, but thanks to aerobic bacteria. In addition, aeration plants have a very high degree of purification and discharge into drainage ditches is permissible, which is convenient for small areas where it is problematic to organize a filtration field. However. ⠀

⚡ AC is volatile. ⠀

During a seasonal visit or at the "weekend cottage" the installation may fail, because due to the uneven flow of sewage, especially in winter, activated sludge "will die and it will be carried out." ⠀

💦 Not always able to withstand volley discharge. ⠀

Очистные сооружения

Sewage treatment facilities on site

How to position a septic tank so as not to harm either yourself or your neighbors ⠀

🏡 Modern country houses, both seasonal dachas and capital buildings for permanent residence, not only are not inferior to city apartments in terms of comfort, but can also surpass them. And in order to use all the benefits of civilization without restrictions, not only water supply is necessary, but also an effective system for collecting, cleaning and discharging all types of effluents. At a minimum - collection and accumulation, with regular subsequent pumping, but this option is also becoming less common. ⠀

🏟 In the vast majority of cases, various either ready-made or improvised wastewater treatment plants are installed at the sites. The key to their effective and trouble-free operation is not only the choice of the optimal installation in all respects, but also its correct location. Consider where the main element of the private sewage system should be located, in accordance with current regulations. ⠀

🏚 The previous generation of village houses and country cottages, with amenities inside, rather than in the courtyard, was equipped with primitive cesspools. And for quite a long time, these underground “tanks”, at best, laid out in a checkerboard pattern and filled with crushed stone, were fine with everyone. But with the environment it was much better then, and there are far fewer drains - you don’t need automatic washing machines and dishwashers, no showers, no boilers, or double-circuit boilers. With titanium on solid fuel, it was possible to heat a relatively small amount, which was spent on the whole family, that other ways of organizing hot water supply were limited, and, consequently, draining was limited. Today, “one” without problems can be dug out more than was previously spent on everyone and a primitive absorbing drain pit, even if it passed according to sanitary standards, just can’t do it. ⠀

⛲ So they replaced it with more efficient and environmentally friendly septic tanks and biological treatment plants. And it is their “activity” that is regulated by the current, and not quite, standards. And which ones are not all interested in the course .. ⠀

📗 Read on in the next brand post! ⠀