Входная зона

Entrance Zone Design

When designing the company's entrance zone, the following issues must be resolved: вопросы
🔸 Does the company have a distinct personality?
🔸 How strongly should this personality and corporate culture be expressed in spatial forms?
🔸 Is the company turned outward or, rather, inward, how many visitors are there?

When solving these representative tasks, one should not forget about the convenience of people working or visiting this zone. Usually there is a waiting area, a wardrobe for employees and for customers. A useful addition is an information desk equipped with a computer that provides customers with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the structure and activities of the company. ⠀

💡 The latest research shows that the proportion of rooms and areas for meetings and negotiations is constantly growing, and their area may increase by 2005 to 30% of the total office area. In Europe, ordinary employees spend approximately 25%, mid-level managers 50%, and top-level managers even 75% of the working time in negotiations and seminars. This is due to the importance of the exchange of information for decision-making. Communication and training become the most important types of office activities and, accordingly, require well-thought-out planning and technical solutions. ⠀

🎚 Traditional meeting rooms are complemented by multi-functional transformable rooms for conferences, seminars and trainings. All these rooms are equipped with equipment such as slide and overhead projectors, flip charts and interactive whiteboards, multimedia projectors, plasma panels, graphic walls, audio systems and video conferencing facilities. ⠀

👥 An interesting fact is that 80% of all innovations in offices are aimed at ensuring direct communication between people. For this, you can use not only meeting rooms, but also individual islands located next to workplaces. To communicate more dynamically, high tables are used, at which the interlocutors talk while standing.

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